The serial production has a very important role in the modern society because, unlike a unique and a small serial production, it allows extremely low production costs at a sufficiently high amount. With the help of automation in production, the serial production can be a step further in cost-effectiveness, quality, repeatability, reliability and much more...
Processing of the serial products
Company SASPRO GROUP S.P. Ltd. offers a comprehensive range of serial products manufacturing, which also includes machining of the (semi-) products. Thus, we offer the processing on modern CNC lathes, CNC milling machines, automatic machines for drilling, grinding, polishing, deburring, boring, trimming and much more ... Special emphasis is put on machinery and devices which have been specially developed and manufactured by the company SASPRO GROUP S. P. Ltd. for the processing of certain serial products. In this way we were able to adequately reduce the manufacturing costs, while maintaining, or in most cases even improving, the quality of the processing.
Assembly serial products
V našem podjetju imamo več kot desetletje izkušenj z montažo serijskih izdelkov. Omogočamo ročno montažo in montažo podprto z raznimi napravami in pripravami.
Tools for serial products
Tools are one of the fundamental and most important devices for each serial or mass production, because, without them, many a serial production ...